- Five centuries
- Deucalion and Pyrrha (the Flood)
- Prometheus
- Pandora
- Aak
- Danaids
- The Birth of Perseus
- Perseus kills the Gorgon Medusa
- Perseus and Atlas
- Perseus saves Andromeda
- Perseus' Wedding
- The Return of Perseus to Serif
- Perseus in Argos
- Sisyphus
- Bellerophon
- Tantalum
- Pelops
- Europe
- Cadmus
- Z and Amphion
- Niobe
- Hercules, birth and upbringing
- Hercules in Thebes
- Nemean Lion (First Feat)
- Lernaean Hydra (second feat)
- Stymphalian Birds (third feat)
- Kerine Doe (fourth feat)
- The Erymanthian Boar and the Battle with the Centaurs (fifth feat)
- The Barnyard of King Augius (sixth feat)
- The Cretan Bull (seventh feat)
- Horses of Diomedes (eighth feat)
- Hercules at Admetus
- Hippolyta's Belt (ninth feat)
- Hercules saves Hesiona, daughter of Laomedon
- Cows of Geryon (tenth feat)
- Kerber (eleventh feat)
- Apples of the Hesperides (twelfth feat)
- Hercules and Eurytus
- Hercules and Deianira
- Hercules and Omphale
- Hercules takes Troy
- Hercules fights with the gods against the giants (Gigantomachy)
- The death of Hercules and his acceptance into the host of the Olympian gods
- Heraclides
- Cecropus, Erichthonius and Erechtheus
- Mullet and Procris
- Procna and Philomela
- Boreas and Orifia
- Daedalus and Icarus
- The birth and upbringing of Theseus
- The exploits of Theseus on the way to Athens
- Theseus in Athens
- Theseus' Journey to Crete
- Theseus and the Amazons
- Theseus and Peyrifoy
- Elena's abduction. Theseus and Peyrifoy decide to kidnap Persephone. Death of Theseus
- Meleager
- Cypress
- Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheus in the underworld.
- Death of Orpheus
- Hyacinth
- Polyphemus, Aquid and Galatea
- Dioscuri - Castor and Polydeucus
- Atreus and Fiesta
- Esac and Hesperia
- Orion