Zeus-the thunderer, having kidnapped the beautiful daughter of the river god Asopa, took her to the island of Oinopia, which has been called since then by the name of Asop's daughter, Aegina. A son was born on this island Aegina and Zeus, Eak. When Aeacus grew up, matured and became the king of the island of Aegina, no one could compare with him throughout Greece, neither love of truth nor justice. The great Olympians themselves honored Aeacus and often chose him as a judge in their disputes. After death, Aeacus, like Minos and Rhadamanthus, became by the will of the gods a judge in the underworld.
Only the great goddess Hera hated Aeacus. Hera sent a great calamity to the kingdom of Aeacus. A thick fog enveloped the island of Aegina, this fog lasted for four months. Finally the south wind dispersed it. But it was not deliverance from calamity, but death that the wind brought with its breath. From the corrupting fog, countless poisonous snakes filled the ponds, springs and streams of Aegina, they poisoned everyone with their poison. A terrible pestilence began on Aegina. All living things died out on it. Only Aeacus and his sons remained unharmed. In despair , Aeacus raised his hands to heaven and exclaimed:
- Oh, great aegid-powerful Zeus, if you were really the spouse of Aegina, if you are really my father and are not ashamed of your offspring, then give me back my people or hide me in the darkness of the grave!
Zeus gave a sign to Aeacus that he heeded his plea. Lightning flashed, and a thunderclap rolled across the cloudless sky. Aeacus realized that his prayer had been heard. Where Aeacus prayed to Father Zeus, there was a mighty oak dedicated to the thunderer, and at its roots there was an anthill. By chance, Aeacus' gaze fell on an anthill full of thousands of hardworking ants. Aeacus watched for a long time as the ants were busy and building their ant city, and said:- Oh, merciful Father Zeus, give me as many hardworking citizens as there are ants in this anthill.
As soon as Aeacus uttered this, the oak rustled its mighty branches in complete calm. Zeus sent another sign to Aeacus.
Night has come. Aeacus had a wonderful dream. He saw the sacred oak of Zeus, its branches were covered with many ants. The oak branches shook, and ants rained down from them. Having fallen to the ground, the ants became bigger and bigger, so they got to their feet, straightened up, their dark color and thinness disappeared, they gradually turned into people. Aeacus woke up, he does not believe the prophetic dream, he even complains about the gods that they do not send him help. Suddenly there was a loud noise. Aeacus hears footsteps, human voices, which he has not heard for a long time. "Isn't this a dream," he thinks. Suddenly his son runs in Telamon, rushes to his father and, joyfully, says:
- Come out soon, Father! You will see a great miracle, which you did not expect.
Aeacus came out of his rest and saw alive those people whom he had seen in a dream. The people who used to be ants proclaimed A king, and he called them by the Myrmidonians. So Aegina was repopulated.