High on the bright Olympus reigns Zeus, surrounded by a host of gods. Here is his wife Hera, and the golden-haired Apollo with his sister Artemis, and golden Aphrodite, and the mighty daughter of Zeus Athena, and many other gods. Three beautiful Ors guard the entrance to the high Olympus and raise a thick cloud closing the gates when the gods descend to earth or ascend to the bright halls of Zeus. High above Olympus, the blue, bottomless sky stretches wide, and golden light pours from it. There is no rain or snow in the kingdom of Zeus; it is always a bright, joyful summer there. And below the clouds swirl, sometimes they cover the distant earth. There, on earth, spring and summer are replaced by autumn and winter, joy and fun are replaced by misery and grief. True, even the gods know sorrows, but they soon pass away, and joy is established again on Olympus.
The gods are feasting in their golden palaces built by the son of Zeus Hephaestus. King Zeus sits on a high golden throne. The manly, divinely beautiful face of Zeus breathes with greatness and proudly calm consciousness of power and might. At his throne is the goddess of peace Eyrena and Zeus' constant companion, the winged goddess of victory Nickname. Here comes the beautiful, majestic goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus. Zeus honors his wife: Hera, the patroness of marriage, is surrounded with honor by all the gods of Olympus. When, resplendent with her beauty, in a magnificent outfit, the great Hera enters the banquet hall, all the gods stand up and bow before the wife of the thunderer Zeus. And she, proud of her power, goes to the golden throne and sits next to the king of gods and people - Zeus. Near the throne of Hera stands her messenger, the goddess of the rainbow, light-winged Iris, always ready to rush quickly on rainbow wings to fulfill the commands of Hera to the farthest edges of the earth.
The gods are feasting. Daughter of Zeus, young Hebe, and the son of the king of Troy, Ganymede, the favorite of Zeus, who received immortality from him, brings them ambrosia and nectar - the food and drink of the gods. Beautiful harits and muses delight them with singing and dancing. Holding hands, they lead round dances, and the gods admire their light movements and wondrous, eternally young beauty. The feast of the Olympians becomes more fun. At these feasts, the gods decide all matters, they determine the fate of the world and people.
From Olympus Zeus sends his gifts to people and establishes order and laws on earth. The fate of people is in the hands of Zeus; happiness and misfortune, good and evil, life and death are all in his hands. Two large vessels stand at the gates of the palace of Zeus. In one vessel are the gifts of good, in the other - of evil. Zeus draws good and evil from them and sends them to people. Woe to the man to whom the thunderer draws gifts only from a vessel with evil. Woe to the one who violates the order established by Zeus on earth and does not observe his laws. The son of the Crown will move his thick eyebrows menacingly, then black clouds will cover the sky. The great Zeus will be angry, and the hair on his head will rise terribly, his eyes will light up with an unbearable brilliance; he will wave his right hand - thunderclaps will roll across the sky, flaming lightning will flash, and high Olympus will shake.Zeus is not the only one who keeps the laws. At his throne stands the law-keeping goddess Themis. She convenes, at the behest of the thunderer, the assemblies of the gods on the bright Olympus of the people's assemblies on earth, observing that order and law are not violated. On Olympus and the daughter of Zeus, the goddess Dike, watching over justice. Zeus severely punishes the unjust judges when Dike informs him that they do not observe the laws given by Zeus. The goddess Dike is the defender of truth and the enemy of deception.
Zeus keeps order and truth in the world and sends happiness and sorrow to people. But although Zeus sends happiness and misfortune to people, yet the fate of people is determined by the inexorable goddesses of fate - moira, who live on the bright Olympus. The fate of Zeus himself is in their hands. Fate rules over mortals and over the gods. No one can escape from the dictates of inexorable fate. There is no such force, no such power that could change anything in what is intended for gods and mortals. Only humbly can you bow to fate and submit to it. Only the moirs know the dictates of fate. Moira Clotho spins the life thread of a person, determining the duration of his life. The thread will break, and life will end. Moira Lachesis takes out, without looking, the lot that falls to a person in life. No one is able to change the fate determined by the moira, since the third moira, Atropos, puts everything that was assigned to a person in her sister's life in a long scroll, and what is entered in the scroll of fate is inevitable. The great, harsh moirs are inexorable.There is also a goddess of fate on Olympus - this is the goddess Tuhe, the goddess of happiness and prosperity. From the cornucopia, the horns of the divine goat Amalfeya, with whose milk Zeus himself was nourished, she will send gifts to people, and happy is the person who meets the goddess of happiness Tyuhe on his life path; but how rare it is, and how unhappy is the person from whom the goddess Tuhe, who has just given him her gifts, will turn away!
So reigns the great king of men and gods Zeus, surrounded by a host of bright gods on Olympus, guarding order and truth throughout the world.